Welcome to BLACK HOLE TOM - your comprehensive Target Observation Manager.

What is BHTOM?

BHTOM stands for Black Hole Target Observation Manager. It's a state-of-the-art web server designed to coordinate a network of telescopes, manage astronomical observations, and process the data obtained from these observations.

Our platform serves as a one-stop solution for astronomers and researchers around the globe, facilitating seamless coordination and efficient data management.

Key Features

  • Telescope Network Coordination: BHTOM enables you to collect photometry data from multiple telescopes for your time-domain targets.
  • Raw Data Processing: With BHTOM, you can upload your raw observations as fits or instrumental photometry. We will derive the PSF photometry and standardise the data to Gaia Synthetic Photometry filters automatically.
  • Archives: BHTOM will automatically gather photometric data already collected for your target of interest, enabling time-domain astronomy studies.
  • Automation: BHTOM functionalities can be fully automatised from your scripts. See our API documentation.

BHTOM for reseachers:

Any time-domain target can be added to our system. The target will then be observed by our network with the requested frequency, and you will receive the standardised photometric data for your target(s).

BHTOM for telescope operators:

You can register your telescope in our system and we will process your images automatically. Your observations will be labelled with your name and telescope.

BHTOM for teachers:

Your students can both submit their targets and their observations and learn the basics of data processing and time-domain research.

BHTOM for amateurs:

Join us with your telescope, observe interesting science targets and we will help you process your data! Each datapoint you collect will be labelled with your name!

Recent changes:

2024 July 4

  • Added validation for uploaded files.
  • Added functionality to generate images directly from FITS files.
  • Added the ability to delete uploaded files located in the data/Yours file.
  • Added a link to data details within the photometry plot for easier access to additional information.
  • Added a fits_filter parameter to the data download API.

2024 June 11

  • Added new filters in the data tab (GaiaSP/ugriz and GaiaSP/UBVRI)
  • Added password reset function
  • Added a link in the create form to the target if it exists
  • Improved CPCS standardisation procedure
  • Added API for downloading archives
  • Added calibration logs

2024 August 27

  • Add Imported Targets to Group: With BHTOM, you can import your targets and automatically add all imported targets to a new group.
  • Target Existence Check: When a found target already exists, BHTOM will offer a direct link to the target or provide a filtered list of similar targets.
  • API Pagination: Added pagination to the API for:
    • Get Target List
    • Get Favourite Observatory
    • Observatory List
    • Get Catalogs
    • Get Calibration Results
    Users can retrieve 1000 records per request, with pagination available for accessing additional records.
  • BHTOM Target Newsletter Mailing List

    Join the mailing list to find out which targets are currently worth observing!


    Draft version of the documentation

    For more information contact us at bhtom_@_astrouw.edu.pl


    BHTOM has been based on the open-source TOM Toolkit by LCO and has been developed with funding from the OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719.

    Concept and design by Lukasz Wyrzykowski, Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory. We acknowledge contributions from students and staff of the University of Warsaw. Hosting and technical development by AKOND.